New Here?
 We'd Love to Get to Know You!

What To Expect

We know that stepping into a new church, whether physically or virtually, can be intimidating. At theBridge, we want you to come as you are! Whether you prefer a suit and tie or jeans and a t-shirt you'll find theBridge is the right place for you. Our services last approximately an hour and 15 minutes and we sing a mix of contemporary and traditional worship music.
Join us online! We encourage you to get comfortable on your couch with a cup of coffee or tea as our team seeks to help you feel right at home with us each and every week.
If you desire to join us in person, we meet at 9:15 and 11 am. For those looking for an online experience, we livestream the 11 am service on our app. To find our app search for theBridge WV Church either the Apple App Store or Google Play. For your convenience, we also stream out to both Facebook and YouTube.

When We Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:15 & 11:00 am

Online Livestream

11:00 am